Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some say he's banned in forty US states. Some also say he was created in a lab for the BBC. All we know is, he's called...

The Stig. Okay, I couldn't bring myself to spoil it. But apparently, he's been unmasked.

Apparently it's the secret that everyone knew, just never said out loud. Some people are bummed, but I'm still going to love Top Gear and wish that I had BBC America so I could watch the new episodes every week, Monday at 8 PM.

For those who don't know, Top Gear is the best car show in existence. There is no question. Check out some of their awesome exploits on YouTube


Anonymous said...

Why would he be banned?

Cobalt said...

Tis a joke. Every time they introduce him as "The Stig" they say some stupid lines ahead of time that start with "Some say..."

Cobalt said...

That was a particularly bad example on my part. Sorry!

Don Gerz said...

Oh no, I get it now. It was a very good example, but I'm just not in that particular "loop" of experience, so I didn't get it. I do now, thanks to you! Thanks!