Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh, those silly dreamers...

John Carmack, the man who totally changed gaming forever, has an interesting little side project. Check it out at Kotaku. You too could be in a space bubble for a meager $100,000. Which, considering the cost of other spaceflights, isn't a bad deal. The shuttle launches cost varies, but it's roughly a smooth chump change amount of $60,000,000.

What will they think of next!?


Redline6561 said...

I wrote a long comment but it got eaten somehow. Short version: Yes, Carmack is the man, he has some great quotes and I can't wait until they open source the id tech 4 (doom 3) engine in 2009. :-)

Cobalt said...

We should learn to program and remake Desert Bus with the Doom 3 engine. That'd be so awesome because it's so stupid.